Responsible investment

Responsible investment is an important element of NN Group’s strategy and our commitment to contribute to the well-being of people and the planet. To support our business units and to be transparent on our approach, we have a Responsible Investment Framework policy and a Responsible Investment governance in place.

Our commitment to our policyholders is long-term, and so is our investment horizon. Responsible investment is about considering environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors in our investment process, to identify the risks and opportunities that can impact long-term investment return and to ensure our investments are aligned with our values. Focusing on ESG integration also helps us to better align our core business with the broader expectations of society.

NN Group’s Responsible Investment Framework policy sets out our vision and approach in this area. We integrate ESG factors in our investment process and active ownership practices. We prefer inclusion backed by engagement to exclusion, but uphold restrictions (Read more here).

To steer our efforts in the area of responsible investing, we have a Responsible Investment (RI) Committee in place, chaired by the group Chief Investment Officer. Members include the Chief People, Communications, and Sustainability Officer and the Chief Risk Officer, both members of the Management Board NN Group, and representatives of the group Responsible Investment team and Investment Risk Management.

The RI Committee provides advice to the Management Board on updates of the NN Group RI Framework policy and the restricted list. Furthermore, the RI Committee is overseeing the process of aligning the proprietary investment portfolio to the Paris climate goals, and defines related action plans and targets. For more information on the Paris alignment strategies and targets (Read more here).

NN Group is a signatory to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI). The UN PRI is an international initiative that seeks to promote responsible investment among investors. 

Our Values

Our Seven Responsible Investment (RI) Principles


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