Our seven Responsible Investment Principles

Seven key principles emphasise the measures we take to integrate ESG into our investment process, for the benefit of all our stakeholders.

  • We consider ESG aspects that are often out-of-scope of traditional financial analysis, but can have a significant impact on long-term performance.
  • Voting at shareholder meetings is one of the best ways to let our voice be heard and promote our policy standards. By voting, we encourage companies in which we invest to comply not only with local legal requirements, but also with international governance standards.
  • We use our influence to encourage companies to adopt appropriate ESG practices. Thereby, internationally accepted standards provide a starting point for our dialogue and engagement with companies.
  • We engage with policymakers to develop sustainable government policies and a more sustainable global financial system. We often work with other investors, as this can be more effective.
  • We aim to include, not exclude, entities for investment consideration. However, we may use restrictions to set a minimum standard, in recognition of law and/or international consensus.
  • Climate change, resource scarcity and demographic change are global sustainability challenges that we, and our customers, care about. We consider investment opportunities that offer solutions to those challenges whilst meeting our investment criteria.
  • Public disclosure of progress is important to the credibility of an organisation. Thereby, stakeholders can better understand how we are managing relevant ESG and sustainability issues. Transparency is also an important driver for continuous improvement.

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