
At NN we believe that by understanding the global trends society faces and the impact these developments may have on our customers and on our business, we can contribute to a healthy economy as well as a stable society.

This is who we are and what we stand for as a company

How we do business

At NN Group, our purpose is to help people care for what matters most to them. We are committed to doing business in a way that is consistent with our values: care, clear, commit.

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NN's approach to tax

We recognise that our tax contributions play an important role for the communities in which we operate. We are transparent about our tax strategy and position, and adhere to our guiding tax principles.

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Sustainable Business Operations

We aim to effectively manage our environmental footprint by reducing our use of natural resources, seeking green alternatives and compensating for the remainder of our carbon emissions. Making responsible choices in our procurement contributes to this.

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Promoting responsible investment

NN Group is a significant investor in a large number of countries, industries and companies. We take our responsibility as a capital provider seriously.

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Our main brands