Positive change in communities

At NN, we want to be a positive force in the lives of our customers. We believe this also includes taking responsibility for the well-being of the wider society. At NN, being a good corporate citizen means we want to use our resources, expertise and reach to help society achieve long-term sustainable prosperity. 

Increasing the financial, physical & mental well-being of our communities 

NN Community Investment, formerly NN Future Matters, is our programme committed to enhancing both the financial well-being and physical and mental health of our communities in all our NN markets. By offering resources and expertise and cooperating with local partners, we help people reach their goals and support those who wish to participate in society but who are not always able to do so.

Our goal is to empower individuals to help them fulfil their obligations, feel confident about their financial future, and make choices that promote success in their personal and professional lives. To achieve this, our programme focuses on the following key impact areas:  

  • Promote financial empowerment & financial literacy  

We invest in financial literacy projects where people grow their skills and knowledge to make informed decisions about their finances. From how to live and deal with debt, to budget coaching projects and to support with negotiations with creditors. We also support people to increase their income, either by finding a (better) job, decreasing their expenses or gaining access to grants and welfare, such as through summer gift boxes for families to alleviate some financial distress during the summer holiday period.   

  • Access to economic opportunities   

We provide (young) people with tools, training and networking skills to increase
their readiness for school, career and life. We also provide out-of-school opportunities that aim to broaden their horizons, providing them with insights into careers they may never have considered, study opportunities they did not know existed or networks that would otherwise never have been available to them. So they can seize economic opportunities that fit their skills, talent and ambition.     

Broadening our scope to physical and mental well-being  

Financial well-being is only one part of overall well-being. It is equally important to be in a good place mentally and physically, for example, by having a sense of social belonging after retiring or receiving support if you or a loved one becomes ill. We have included physical and mental well-being as strategic pillars to our community investment programme since 2021.

In line with the core focus areas of our business, we focus on providing access to (quality) health and, if possible, on bringing health to the privacy of home. We also support initiatives that enable elderly to live a happy and self-sufficient life by helping them stay socially engaged and feel less lonely. We have many partnerships on these themes. For instance, in Poland and Spain we support initiatives around oncology, loneliness and depression.   

Community Investment Overview

Our Community Investment Overview provides a comprehensive overview of the initiatives we support as part of our strategic commitment to contribute to society. It presents why and how we contribute to the well-being of the people in the communities in which we operate. Through a combination of facts, figures and impact stories, we want to engage our stakeholders with our current and future activities for creating long-term value and impact on society. 

NN Community Investment partners and initiatives

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