Sustainable Bonds

NN Group believes that Green, Social and Sustainability Bonds are an effective tool to channel financing to projects that have demonstrated clear environmental, climate or social benefits and contribute to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). By issuing Green, Social or Sustainability Bonds, NN Group intends to align its funding strategy with its purpose, ambition and strategic commitments. In addition, NN Group aims to contribute to the development of the sustainability bond market and to the growth of sustainable and impact investing.

Sustainability Bond Framework

In February 2022, NN Group established its Sustainability Bond Framework, with the aim to finance Green and Social projects. The NN Group Sustainability Bond Framework follows the Green Bond Principles (GBP) 2021, Social Bond Principles (SBP) 2021 and Sustainability Bond Guidelines (SBG) 2021. Under this Sustainability Bond Framework, NN Group and its subsidiaries may issue Green, Social or Sustainability Bonds.

Type Date of publication Documentation
Sustainability Bond Framework 17 Feb 2022 Sustainability Bond Framework
Second Party Opinion 17 Feb 2022 Sustainalytics Second Party Opinion 2022
Methodology assessment 17 Feb 2022 NN Group Green Residential Buildings Methodology Assessment Document CFP


NN Group will report annually on the allocation of the Sustainable Bond net proceeds to the Eligible Asset Portfolio, until full allocation, and on the environmental impacts of the Eligible Asset Portfolio funded with the Sustainable Bond proceeds. In addition, NN Group may commission a limited assurance report or a compliance review after full allocation of any Green, Social or Sustainability Bond, with the intention of confirming that the net proceeds have been allocated in accordance with the Uses of Proceeds specified in the Framework.

Type Date of publication Documentation
Impact report 1 June 2023 Impact report 2022
Allocation report/limitted assurance 1 June 2023 Green bond allocation report 2022
Pre-issuance impact report 17 Feb 2022 NN Group pre-issuance impact report
Pre-issuance allocation report 17 Feb 2022 NN Group Pre-issuance allocation report
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