Cyber Collective: together fighting cybercrime in the Netherlands

Yesterday, the Dutch Cyber Collective, an initiative of Nationale-Nederlanden, was officially launched. The Cyber Collective is an overarching Dutch association committed to one goal: effectively reduce cybercrime for Dutch SMEs.

Research shows that cyber damage in the Netherlands is estimated to be EUR 10 billion per year. Now, as large organisations increasingly secure their digital gateways, cybercrime is shifting towards SMEs. These companies are often not adequately protected against such crimes, and the potential financial damage can be significant. The Cyber Collective initiative makes the topic 'cyber' visible for the SME, in the language of the entrepreneur.

Combatting cybercrime transcends individual interests and requires collaboration between various parties, commercial and non-commercial, multinationals and startups. The main aim of the  Dutch Cyber Collective is  to streamline the current fragmented prevention approach and make  the Netherlands unattractive for cybercriminals.

The Cyber Collective’s basic services are currently being tested by hundreds of SMEs. Beginning in 2017, the service is expected to be available nation-wide. More information is available in the Dutch press release and on

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